Regulation-buster and Uber investor Bradley Tusk: Dara Khosrowshahi's kinder, gentler approach makes Uber seem weak to its foes - Creak News

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Regulation-buster and Uber investor Bradley Tusk: Dara Khosrowshahi's kinder, gentler approach makes Uber seem weak to its foes

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  • Regulation critic Bradley Tusk, who is also an Uber shareholder, has some strong opinions on New York's new regulations that cap the number of ride-share drivers.
  • He believes that Uber's kinder, gentler approach these days could be interpreted as weakness by Uber's traditional rivals.
  • But an Uber insider tells us that times have changed, and Uber's view on its former rivals has changed with them.

Political-campaigner-turned-regulation-critic Bradley Tusk —who is also an Uber shareholder — has some unsolicited advice for Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi: Uber's kinder, gentler image isn't a good thing when it comes to a "bare knuckle fight" with would-be regulators who want to limit Uber's business.

"Effectively, if you want a CEO who is chosen because he is calm and smooth and avoids conflict at all costs, that may work really well in certain parts of the business. But when it comes to a sort of bare knuckle fight with the city council, you really have no chance at all," Tusk tells Business Insider.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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