Former F-Boy-In-Chief Donald Trump Doubles Down On Derogatory Digs Saying Haitians Immigrants “Probably Have AIDS” - Creak News

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Former F-Boy-In-Chief Donald Trump Doubles Down On Derogatory Digs Saying Haitians Immigrants “Probably Have AIDS”

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Here we go again…

Former President Trump Holds Rally In Perry, Georgia

Source: Sean Rayford / Getty

If there’s anything you know about 55% of white womens’ former President it’s that he won’t hesitate for a millisecond to say something cruel and untrue about Black folks. Most recently, as the news cycle has returned to the topic of Haiti and immigration, the orange f-boy made an appearance on his favorite propaganda programmer Fox News, specifically Sean Hannity’s show, and espoused more of the hate speech that made white folks cherish him with their cold and uncaring hearts.

Let Donnie tell it, Haitians are “flowing” into the United States and they are bringing diseases, namely AIDS/HIV.

“Haiti has a tremendous AIDS problem. AIDS is a step beyond, AIDS is a real bad problem,” he told Hannity. “So hundreds of thousands of people are coming into our country. And if you look at the stats, and if you look at the numbers, take a look what’s happening in Haiti. A tremendous problem with AIDS.”

That, as a simple matter of fact, is just not true in any form whatsoever. The fact-checkers Business Insider made sure to point out that the AIDS rate in Haitians aged 15-49 is 1.9% which is a stat that comes directly from the United Nations.

This is the exact type of racist rhetoric that lead so many Haitians to be victims of hate in the 1980s when they were said to be the primary purveyors of the potentially deadly disease. This is also the man who in 2018 called Haiti and other primarily Black countries “shitholes” that were breeding “bad” people.

Ain’t s**t changed it’s still “FDT”. The marathon continues.

from Bossip

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