Rudy Giuliani is reportedly asking for $20,000 per day in legal fees as he presides over Trump's election lawsuits that have mostly failed in the courts - Creak News

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Rudy Giuliani is reportedly asking for $20,000 per day in legal fees as he presides over Trump's election lawsuits that have mostly failed in the courts

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Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer who last week was put in charge of his legal battles related to the election, reportedly asked for $20,000 a day in legal fees from Trump's re-election campaign, The New York Times reported.

It's not clear if Giuliani will be paid that amount, and other members of Trump's campaign opposed the request, sources close to the matter told The Times. 

Business Insider could not reach Giuliani for comment on Tuesday, but he told The Times that he did not make the request. 

"I never asked for $20,000," Giuliani said and added that Trump offered to have him be paid after the cases were closed. "The arrangement is, we'll work it out at the end."

Trump has repeatedly, and baselessly claimed that the election was "stolen," falsely claiming widespread fraud when it came to tallying votes. He's waged a number of legal battles across several key states to demand recounts. 

In Pennsylvania, where President-elect Joe Biden is the projected winner, the Trump campaign has sought to block the state from certifying its election results and is suing seven Democratic counties. 

They claim there is inconsistency in how each county counted their ballots. 

Giuliani represented the Trump campaign during a hearing for a lawsuit in Pennsylvania on Tuesday and defense attorneys for the Pennsylvania secretary of state's office tore into his argument. 

In his argument, Giuliani alleged a conspiracy where "big cities controlled by Democrats" were rigging the election and allowing ballots to be illegally counted. 

Mark Aronchick, one of the defense lawyers, said Giuliani's legal arguments were "disgraceful in an American courtroom."

It's very unlikely that any legal battle could alter the result of the election. Trump has, however, refused to concede in this election, blocking Biden from getting access to key information in order to have a smooth transition. Biden has been blocked from getting national security information and coronavirus information. Biden has previously said that without cooperation from the Trump administration, "more people may die" from the virus. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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