People close to Trump are questioning whether his judgment is being affected by his steroids, reports say - Creak News

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People close to Trump are questioning whether his judgment is being affected by his steroids, reports say

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President Donald Trump removes his mask upon return to the White House from Walter Reed medical center on October 5, 2020.

People close to President Donald Trump are questioning whether his judgment is being affected by the steroids used to treat him after he was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, according to new reports.

Trump was hospitalized on Friday after he announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. He was treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with supplemental oxygen, an experimental antibody cocktail, and dexamethasone: a steroid that can alter your mental state and is typically used in severe COVID-19 cases.

The president started a course of dexamethasone on Saturday and his team expects to "continue that for the time being," said Dr. Brian Garibaldi, a member of the president's medical team.

Trump stayed in the hospital for three nights, returning to the White House on Monday even though he was still infected and doctors warned that he may still not be fully recovered — concerning staff who work there.

And then, on Tuesday night, Trump unexpectedly tweeted that he had told his team to told off on negotiations for a new stimulus package until after the November presidential election, causing the stock market to plunge.

Donald Trump coronavirus
Trump gives a thumbs up as he walks to Marine One to go to Walter Reed on October 2, 2020.

According to The New York Times, some White House staff wondered if the dexamethasone had affected the decision. The steroid can alter a users' mental state, and can cause euphoria.

Dr. Lewis Kaplan, a surgeon president of Society of Critical Care Medicine, told ABC News on Monday: "Some patients may develop psychiatric symptoms after being treated with steroids including euphoria, mood instability, rage or psychosis.

"It is rare but occurs often enough that we recognize them as undesirable side effects of steroid therapy," he said.

The steroid is usually reserved for the most severe patients, and experts told Business Insider that the fact Trump was treated with it could mean that he is being over-treated, or that he was sicker than what his team had said and implied.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also wondered in a Tuesday call with Democrats if the president's steroid could have impacted his decision to end the talks, a source told USA Today.

Trump returned to the White House on October 5, and appeared to have difficulty breathing.

The reports after sources told Vanity Fair that Donald Trump Jr, Trump's oldest child, was concerned his father was acting "crazy" after he was hospitalized and considered an "intervention" over the president's behaviour, including his decision to ride with Secret Service members while still infectious and his tweeting habits.

Republicans and Democrats clashed over how much to spend on a new stimulus package, with Democrats wanting to spend significantly more than Republicans. The stimulus plan would have included unemployment aid, aid for businesses, and investment in healthcare and education.

Both parties had said that they wanted to send another round of $1,200 stimulus checks to Americans.

Experts say that Trump's decision could harm millions of Americans and hammer the economy.

Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Later on Tuesday Trump urged Congress to pass standalone bills on direct payments and assistance to airlines and small businesses, without the rest of the stimulus relief.

At least 14 people in the White House or in Trump's inner circle have now tested positive.

Trump has also not revealed when he last tested negative for the virus, meaning it is unclear how many people who met him in the days before he announced his test results are at risk.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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