'Expand the court': Democratic lawmakers react with fury as the GOP claims victory over Amy Coney Barrett nomination - Creak News

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'Expand the court': Democratic lawmakers react with fury as the GOP claims victory over Amy Coney Barrett nomination

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President Donald Trump stands with newly sworn in U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
  • Democratic lawmakers slammed Senate Republicans for confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Monday.
  • Senate Republicans confirmed the nomination in a 52-48 vote Monday, with GOP Sen. Susan Collins being the only Republican who joined Democratic senators in opposition.
  • Barrett was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in an event at the White House shortly after the Senate vote.
  • Democratic lawmakers expressed their disappointment and anger in the Senate approving Barrett to the Supreme Court so close to a presidential election.
  • Sen. Kamala Harris, Democratic candidate for Vice President, condemned the decision by her Republican colleagues.
  • "Today Republicans denied the will of the American people by confirming a Supreme Court justice through an illegitimate process — all in their effort to gut the Affordable Care Act and strip health care from millions with pre-existing conditions," Harris wrote in a tweet following the Senate vote.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Democratic lawmakers reacted with fury in the wake of the confirmation and subsequent swearing in of now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett on Monday.

Senate Republicans confirmed Barrett to the US Supreme Court in a 52-48 vote Monday, with GOP Sen. Susan Collins as the only Republican who joined Democratic senators in opposition.

Barrett was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in an event at the White House shortly after the Senate vote. Barrett is third justice nominated to the Supreme Court by Trump during his term, the most a president has had since Ronald Reagan.

Democratic lawmakers expressed their disappointment and anger in the Senate approving Barrett to the Supreme Court so close to a presidential election — eight days before Election Day and while some voting is already taking place.

Sen. Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for Vice President, condemned the decision by her Republican colleagues.

"Today Republicans denied the will of the American people by confirming a Supreme Court justice through an illegitimate process — all in their effort to gut the Affordable Care Act and strip health care from millions with pre-existing conditions," Harris wrote in a tweet following the Senate vote.

She added: "We won't forget this."

Harris said in a statement that Senate Republicans "have ignored the will of the people, deciding instead to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – who devoted her life to fighting for equal justice – with someone who was selected to undo her legacy."

"The American people see this confirmation for what it is: an illegitimate move that will set our country back for generations," she said in the statement.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also slammed the decision in a statement Monday, saying Trump and Senate Republicans "have committed an act of supreme desperation by jamming through a Supreme Court justice — all so that they can achieve their years-long campaign to destroy Americans' health care."

"We must have a Congress that is prepared to remedy what the Supreme Court will do to undermine the health, financial security and well-being of American families."

Freshman congresswomen Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib called to expand the Supreme Court in light of Barrett's nomination.

"We are going to take back the White House & Senate next week with a resounding mandate from the people to fight back against Trump's illegitimately stacked judiciary," Tlaib tweeted Monday. "We must expand the Court if we're serious about the transformational change the people are crying out for."

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