Alexei Navalny posted a video showing bottles of water that he says were tainted with poison to try and kill him - Creak News

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Alexei Navalny posted a video showing bottles of water that he says were tainted with poison to try and kill him

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An image showing water bottles that Alexei Navalny says were tained with poison in his hotel room.
A still from a video showing water bottles that Alexei Navalny says were tainted with poison in his hotel room in Tomsk, Siberia.
  • Alexei Navalny, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has posted a video of what Navalny says are the poisoned water bottles that were used to try and kill him last month.
  • Navalny fell ill on a flight from Tomsk, Siberia, to Moscow on August 20, and was hospitalized. Doctors in Germany have since confirmed that he was poisoned with the Soviet-made Novichok nerve agent.
  • It was originally thought that Navalny's tea was poisoned in Tomsk airport, but on Thursday he posted a video of bottles of water in his Tomsk hotel room that he says were tainted with Novichok.
  • "It was on the bottle from Tomsk that the German laboratory found traces of 'Novichok' ... Now we understand: this was done before he [Navalny] left his room to go to the airport," the caption said.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.


Alexei Navalny, the chief critic of President Vladimir Putin, has posted a video showing what he says are the bottles of water that were used to try and kill him with poison.

On August 20, Navalny fell ill on a flight from Tomsk, Siberia, to Moscow. The plane made an emergency landing in Omsk, Siberia, and Navalny was taken to hospital.

He was kept in a coma for several days by Russian doctors. The hospital initially denied requests to let his family fly him to a foreign hospital for specialist care, though he was later allowed to go to Germany.

At the time, Kira Yarmish, his press secretary, said he had been poisoned at the airport. German doctors who have conducted tests on Navalny since have concluded that he was poisoned with Novichok, a deadly, Soviet-developed nerve agent.

It was initially thought that the poison was placed in his cup of tea at Omsk airport. However, in a video posted to Instagram on Thursday, Navalny showed multiple bottles of water from a room at the Xander hotel in Tomsk that he says were tainted with Novichok.

Откуда взялась злосчастная бутылка? Давайте объясним, откуда взялось то, про что нам непрерывно задают вопросы. Так называемая “бутылка с «Новичком»”, ну, а точнее, обычная пластиковая бутылка из-под воды, на которой потом в немецкой лаборатории обнаружили следы боевого отравляющего вещества. Это бутылка из номера в томской гостинице, где останавливался сам Навальный и вся наша съемочная группа. Перенесемся обратно в 20 августа. В этот день часть нашей команды улетела в Москву, часть осталась в Томске доделывать видео. В полете Алексей потерял сознание и начал задыхаться, самолёт экстренно сел. Почти сразу сотрудники ФБК, которые остались в Томске, узнали о случившемся. В этот момент была сделана единственно возможная вещь. Они вызвали адвоката, поднялись в номер, из которого только что выехал Навальный, и начали фиксировать, описывать и упаковывать все, что там нашли. В том числе, и бутылки из-под гостиничной воды. Как это происходило, вы можете посмотреть на этом видео. Никакой особой надежды что-то такое обнаружить не было. Но поскольку нам было абсолютно ясно, что Навальный не “слегка заболел”, не “перегрелся” и Рафаэлкой здесь не поможешь, было решено забрать все, что может хоть как-то гипотетически пригодиться, и передать это врачам в Германии. То, что дело расследовать в России не будут, тоже было достаточно очевидно. Так и вышло: прошел почти месяц, Россия так и не признала отравление Алексея. Спустя две недели именно на бутылке из томского номера немецкая лаборатория обнаружила следы «Новичка». А потом еще три лаборатории, которые брали анализы у Алексея, подтвердили, что Навальный был отравлен именно им. Теперь мы понимаем: это было сделано до того, как он покинул свой номер, чтобы поехать в аэропорт. Сегодня в 20.00 в передаче «Россия Будущего» на ютюб-канале Навальный LIVE Георгий Албуров @alburov расскажет подробности.

A post shared by Алексей Навальный (@navalny) on Sep 16, 2020 at 11:59pm PDT

"It was on the bottle from Tomsk that the German laboratory found traces of 'Novichok.' Three more laboratories that took tests from Alexei confirmed that Navalny was poisoned. Now we understand: this was done before he left his room to go to the airport," the caption read.

In the video, a number of water bottles can be seen around the hotel room, including in the mini fridge and on his bedside table, which have been highlighted with red rings.

"This is a bottle from a room in a Tomsk hotel where Navalny himself and our entire film crew stayed," the caption said.

The post added that there were "several items" that Navalny could have used in his Tomsk hotel room, including the water.

An investigation into the poisoning by the independent Russian news website Proekt found that after news of Navalny's poisoning reached his team, who had remained at the hotel in Tomsk, they hurried to save as much information as possible from the room, fearing Russian authorities would soon be at their door.

"Everything was done to save the evidence," an activist from the Tomsk headquarters of Navalny's campaign told Proekt.

Navalny and his family members pose for a picture at Charite hospital in Berlin, Germany, in this undated image posted to Instagram on September 15, 2020.

Georgy Alburov, an investigator at Navalny's foundation, said: "In Russia it will definitely not be investigated."

Navalny is the leading opposition leader in Russia. He campaigned to run against Putin in 2018 but was barred from running for president. He has regularly been arrested, detained, and jailed for sedition.

In the wake of his poisoning last month pro-Putin Russian media attempted to push a narrative that Navalny was hospitalized after heavy drinking the night before.

Navalny on Tuesday posted a picture of himself on a hospital bed to his Instagram for the first time since he fell ill.

"Hi, this is Navalny," he wrote."I miss you. I still can hardly do anything, but yesterday I was able to breathe on my own for the whole day. Just myself. I did not use any outside help, not even the simplest valve in my throat."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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