Trump says Beirut explosion 'looks like a terrible attack,' contradicting Lebanese officials who implied it was likely an accident - Creak News

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Trump says Beirut explosion 'looks like a terrible attack,' contradicting Lebanese officials who implied it was likely an accident

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Trump briefing AP Photo/Alex Brandon

  • President Donald Trump claimed a massive explosion that killed dozens and wounded thousands in Beirut on Tuesday was "an attack," contradicting Lebanese authorities who implied it appeared to be an accident.
  • "Looks like a terrible attack," Trump said, adding that his military advisers "seemed to feel" it was an attack. 
  • Lebanese officials said the blast involved a large amount of ammonium nitrate that had been seized by the government several years ago and was being held at the site of the explosion. 
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President Donald Trump claimed a massive explosion that killed at least 78 people and wounded at least 4,000 in Beirut on Tuesday was "an attack," contradicting the Lebanese government's announcement that the blast involved the accidental detonation of a cache of explosive chemicals. 

Trump began his Tuesday evening press briefing by offering sympathy to the Lebanese people after what he said "looks like a terrible attack."

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