Cops Kill People: Atlanta Police Gun Down Rayshard Brooks After He Fell Asleep At Wendy’s, Police Chief Resigns - Creak News

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Cops Kill People: Atlanta Police Gun Down Rayshard Brooks After He Fell Asleep At Wendy’s, Police Chief Resigns

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Two police officers standing in front of patrol cars

Source: kali9 / Getty

Rayshard Brooks fell asleep in his car at in an Atlanta Wendy’s drive-thru a short time later he was killed, shot in the back, while running away from police officers just like Walter Scott.

According to the AJC, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation was told by the Atlanta Police Department that they got a call complaining that Brooks was asleep in the drive-thru line. Per usual, people began recording as soon as the police began interacting with Rayshard, some of them probably feared the worst and the worst didn’t take long to happen. Upon failing a field sobriety test, police set out to take Brooks into custody. He can be seen in the witness video tussling with two officers and grabbing one of their tasers and running away but you can’t see what happens next, you can only hear the gunshots.

The security camera from Wendy’s, however, does show what happens next and it’s nothing if not a crime.

Below is that video. We will warn you that the footage is very disturbing. We post said video only for posterity and context sake. Under NO circumstances should you watch this video if you feel it will trigger emotional distress. Again, it is not bloody, but it is extremely disturbing.

The taser is not a deadly weapon and Rayshard Brooks, while clearly resisting arrest, is not in any way making a threat on the officer’s life. At this point they cops have his ID and vehicle and could clearly be found for arrest later. There was absolutely NO reason to kill Rayshard Brooks. Cop ego got in the way and now Rayshard, a father of three, is dead.

As a result of Rayshard’s unjust killing, the Atlanta police chief, Erika Shields, has resigned and mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has accepted. Watch her comments in the video below.

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