An American Airlines worker reveals why he's giving up his dream job — and his paycheck — to take a buyout (AAL) - Creak News

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An American Airlines worker reveals why he's giving up his dream job — and his paycheck — to take a buyout (AAL)

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American Airlines Boeing 767Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters

  • As airline employees brace for coming layoffs, their companies have announced buyout offers, part of an effort to reduce the ranks through voluntary departures rather than layoffs.
  • While it might seem reasonable for workers to take their chances, some are choosing to take the buyouts, opting for a degree of certainty and the continuation of at least some benefits.
  • We spoke with an American Airlines employee who has decided to take a buyout, who explained why he's giving up his dream job and his paycheck.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

With layoffs looming across the US airline industry, carriers are trying to avoid forced job cuts by offering employees incentives to leave voluntarily.

In recent days and weeks, major airlines including American, Delta, and United have announced voluntary buyout offers for some employees. American and United's offers were for managers, along with support and administrative workers. Offers for frontline employees are coming.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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from Business Insider

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