Trump is touting experimental drugs for COVID-19, saying it's 'not going to hurt' people. But the drug has severe side effects and its misuse has led to poisoning and even death - Creak News

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Trump is touting experimental drugs for COVID-19, saying it's 'not going to hurt' people. But the drug has severe side effects and its misuse has led to poisoning and even death

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Trump press conferenceSarah Silbiger/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump has repeatedly endorsed two experimental drugs as a potential treatment for COIVD-19. 
  • The drugs — chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine— are often used for the prevention and treatment of certain types of malaria, as well as for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and a limited number of other conditions. 
  • "If it works, that will be great, if it doesn't work ... it doesn't kill people," he claimed during a press briefing on Sunday.
  • But Trump's assurance to Americans that the drugs come without serious risks contradicts medical experts who have warned against using the medication without a prescription, as they have been found to cause harmful side effects and even death.
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President Donald Trump used his daily press briefing on Sunday to enthusiastically endorse two experimental drugs as a potential treatment for COIVD-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. 

The drugs — chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine— are often used for the prevention and treatment of certain types of malaria. It is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and a limited number of other conditions. 

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