The White House prohibited audio and video coverage of a critical briefing on coronavirus - Creak News

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The White House prohibited audio and video coverage of a critical briefing on coronavirus

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  • White House officials barred the media from conducting audio or video coverage of a critical briefing on Tuesday about the novel coronavirus' spread within the US.
  • CNN's Jim Acosta asked Vice President Mike Pence, who conducted the briefing, why it wasn't public and Pence responded, "I expect we'll be back on camera tomorrow."
  • The New York Times' Katie Rogers also asked and wasn't given a clear answer.
  • Pence told reporters at the briefing that there are now 77 domestic cases of coronavirus and nine domestic deaths, with three reported on Tuesday.
  • President Donald Trump has downplayed the threat of a potential pandemic, contradicting repeated warnings from US healthcare workers.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

White House officials prohibited media outlets from doing audio or video coverage of a briefing on Tuesday about the spread of the novel coronavirus in the US.

The New York Times' Katie Rogers asked why the briefing wasn't public and wasn't given a clear answer.

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