It's summer in Australia and the coronavirus is circulating there — evidence that warm weather won't necessarily curtail the outbreak - Creak News

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It's summer in Australia and the coronavirus is circulating there — evidence that warm weather won't necessarily curtail the outbreak

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Tom HanksAnthony Harvey/Getty Images

  • President Trump and many other people have expressed optimism that the coronavirus might go away when weather warms in a similar way to the seasonal flu.
  • But it's summer in Australia and the average temperature is about 74 degrees Fahrenheit. At least 128 people there have gotten the coronavirus and three have died.
  • Tom Hanks confirmed Wednesday that he and his wife tested positive for the new coronavirus while in Australia's Gold Coast.
  • It's evidence that warmer weather doesn't make the coronavirus disappear.
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Some symptoms of the new coronavirus appear similar to the flu and common cold — COVID-19 is marked by fevers, coughing, and occasionally severe lung infections.

Because flus and colds tend to fluctuate with the seasons, retreating in summer and returning in the winter each year, many people — including  President Donald Trump — have expressed optimism that impending springtime warmth could stymie the virus' spread.  

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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