'He's trying to muzzle everyone': National security veterans were shaken by Trump's decision to 'purge' witnesses who testified against him - Creak News

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'He's trying to muzzle everyone': National security veterans were shaken by Trump's decision to 'purge' witnesses who testified against him

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REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

  • President Donald Trump sent shockwaves through Washington on Friday when he abruptly fired two key impeachment witnesses and a third official who wasn't involved in the impeachment inquiry but is related to one of the witnesses.
  • National security and intelligence veterans were stunned. A current FBI special agent characterized Trump's move as "appalling," adding, "He's trying to muzzle everyone who speaks out against him, even if they use the appropriate legal channels."
  • "We have every reason to expect that — far from having learned his lesson, as some would have us believe — Trump is in the midst of attempting to do away with potential witnesses who would be in a position to call out his wrongdoing," NSC veteran Edward Price told Insider.
  • "A purge is a good way to put it," Frank Montoya, Jr., a former FBI special agent, told Insider.
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The rumblings of payback began almost as soon as the Senate acquitted President Donald Trump on Wednesday of the two charges against him following a bitter impeachment trial.

The next morning, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham gave the public a preview of the plan of action Trump would outline in a speech Thursday afternoon addressing his acquittal.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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