How PEZ Is Made - Creak News

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How PEZ Is Made

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  • PEZ is an American candy staple. First created as a breath mint more than 90 years ago, today PEZ has an endless amount of flavors and types of dispensers.
  • They've been manufactured in the same factory since the early 1970s in Orange, Connecticut.
  • The factory makes about 12 million individual tablets a day. 

Following is a transcript of the video: 

Narrator: Recognizable for their brick shape and fun dispensers, PEZ is an American candy staple.

First created as a breath mint more than 90 years ago, today, PEZ has an endless amount of flavors and types of dispensers. But how does a family-owned company that started in 1927 continue to find success in the competitive candy industry today?

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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from Business Insider

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