Bernie Sanders pledges to support whoever the Democratic nominee is in 2020 to defeat Trump, but hopes it'll be him - Creak News

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Bernie Sanders pledges to support whoever the Democratic nominee is in 2020 to defeat Trump, but hopes it'll be him

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Bernie SandersYuri Gripas/Reuters

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Monday pledged to work with whomever the 2020 Democratic nominee for president ultimately is to ensure President Donald Trump is not reelected.
  • "I hope I'm the nominee, but if I'm not I'll work with that nominee," Sanders said during a CNN town hall. "Trump has got be be defeated."
  • Sanders announced last week that he's running for president again, and has since raised $10 million for his campaign as of Monday.

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday said he'll support the Democratic nominee for president no matter what, citing the importance of defeating President Donald Trump.

"I hope and believe that every Democratic candidate will come together after the nominee is selected and make certain that Donald Trump is not reelected president of the US," Sanders said during a town hall with CNN in Washington, DC. "I pledge certainly to do that."

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