Why a GOP congressman who represents more of the border than anyone in Congress opposes Trump's wall - Creak News

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Why a GOP congressman who represents more of the border than anyone in Congress opposes Trump's wall

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Will HurdAP

  • Republican Rep. Will Hurd, who represents more of the southern border than anyone in the House of Representatives, has emerged as one of the most vocal critics of President Donald Trump's plan to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. 
  • Hurd represents Texas' 23rd Congressional District, which stretches roughly 820 miles from El Paso to San Antonio.
  • Hurd, a former undercover CIA agent, has been pushing for what he has referred to as a "smart border wall," or a technology-based approach.
  • On Wednesday, the Texas congressman told CNN, "I think building a concrete structure sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security." 

Republican Rep. Will Hurd, who represents more of the southern border than any of his colleagues in the House of Representatives, has emerged as one of the most vocal critics of President Donald Trump's plan to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. 

Hurd represents Texas' 23rd Congressional District, which stretches roughly 820 miles from El Paso to San Antonio.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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SEE ALSO: Trump storms out of government-shutdown meeting after Democrats claim he 'slammed the table' over border wall

from Business Insider https://read.bi/2Rv0Fxf

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