Luxury travelers want more than ever before, and hotels are borrowing a tactic used by Netflix and Amazon to keep up - Creak News

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Luxury travelers want more than ever before, and hotels are borrowing a tactic used by Netflix and Amazon to keep up

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Hotel reception luxuryGabriel Georgescu/Shutterstock

  • Guests at luxury hotels want to feel like they're in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. 
  • Because of that, personalized hotel services are shaping up to be one of the biggest trends in hospitality in 2019, predicts Alex Shashou, cofounder and president of hotel operations and guest management platform ALICE.
  • Much of it comes down to staff — similarly to Netflix, Amazon, and Postmates' algorithms — remembering guests' preferences, and delivering on them.

As the demand for luxury shifts away from goods and increasingly toward experiences, customers don't just want any experience: They want personalized experiences that are either inherently unique or specifically tailored to them.

In fact, as travel industry intelligence platform Skift wrote in June, "Personalization in the hotel industry has ceased to be a trend. Today, it's an obligation."

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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