Kentucky congressman says it's an 'honor to represent' Lincoln Memorial confrontation kids and that their parents should be 'proud' of their viral behavior - Creak News

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Kentucky congressman says it's an 'honor to represent' Lincoln Memorial confrontation kids and that their parents should be 'proud' of their viral behavior

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  • The Kentucky congressman that represents the parents and mentors of the Covington Catholic High School boys involved in an incident in Washington that subsequently went viral on Saturday says the teachers and parents 'should be proud, not ashamed,' of their kids’ behavior.
  • Kentucky Republican U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie said on Twitter that it was his 'honor to represent them,' adding that they had remained calm in the face of 'racist and homosexual slurs.'
  • The US has been in a heightened state of social media uproar since Friday, after students from the Kentucky all boys high school were accused of harassing a Native American man in a public stand off in Washington, DC.

Kentucky Republican U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie of  Kentucky's 4th Congressional District has taken to Twitter in an extraordinary defence of the students from Kentucky's Covington Catholic High School, who were filmed on Friday surrounding and chanting at a Native American activist Nathan Phillips in Washington DC.

In what has quickly become an iconic image of a modern America divided,  a teenager wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat smilingly stares just inches from the face of Phillips as the Vietnam veteran beats a drum and sings the "American Indian Movement" song. 

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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SEE ALSO: The mother of one of the boys who mocked a Native American activist blamed 'black Muslims' for the incident

from Business Insider

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