It's the beginning of the end of the world order, and Trump has no clear vision for America's future - Creak News

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It's the beginning of the end of the world order, and Trump has no clear vision for America's future

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trumpJacquelyn Martin/AP

  • The world order that the US and its partners created after World War II has reached the end of its life span, and Trump has failed to propose any coherent replacement.
  • Trump continues to attack America's enduring strategy of global leadership and criticizes its democratic partners while cozying up to corrupt dictators.
  • What may be underway is not a shift from an old system of world order to a new one that better reflects current conditions, but a blind leap into an abyss.

Last week, I argued that America's longstanding grand strategy, based on US global leadership and a network of alliances and partnerships, is on its last legs as the world changes and the domestic consensus needed to sustain public support for it erodes.

2019 may be the year that the strategy, which goes back to the early days of the Cold War, finally unravels. What might that look like in the Middle East, the Pacific, and Europe, the three most important regions for US foreign policy?

America's interests in the Middle East were initially driven by the need to keep hostile powers from controlling the region's vast energy supplies and denying them to the United States and its allies.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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