Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says he will kick out 'anti-Israeli' foreign observers in flashpoint West Bank city - Creak News

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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says he will kick out 'anti-Israeli' foreign observers in flashpoint West Bank city

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IsraelPalestine News Hebron (26 of 43)Harrison Jacobs/Business Insider

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has called time on a supposedly neutral foreign force set up to protect Palestinians in occupied Hebron after blaming the group for anti-Israel activity.
  • The Temporary International Presence in Hebron’s (TIPH) mandate will not be renewed, Netanyahu said on Monday, calling it an "international force that acts against us (Israel)."
  • The TIPH, made up of staff from Norway, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey, declined to comment. but the Palestinians denounced Israel's move.

HEBRON, West Bank (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he would eject a foreign force set up to help safeguard Palestinians in a flashpoint city in the occupied West Bank, accusing the observers of anti-Israel activity.

“We will not allow the continued presence of an international force that acts against us,” Netanyahu said in a statement announcing that the Temporary International Presence in Hebron’s (TIPH) mandate would not be renewed.

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