Astronomers have detected mysterious repeating radio bursts coming from another galaxy — only the second such signal ever found - Creak News

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Astronomers have detected mysterious repeating radio bursts coming from another galaxy — only the second such signal ever found

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 Circinus X 1 neutron starX-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison/S.Heinz et al; Optical: DSS

  • The CHIME radio telescope in British Columbia, Canada detected bursts of signals from FRB 121102, a fast radio burst that first appeared in 2012.
  • It's the second time that signals of this magnitude from a FRB have been recorded, since they're usually very sporadic and last only milliseconds.
  • Further studies lead astronomers to believe that this FRB came from a neutron star that's close to a black hole or large nebula.

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are one of our Universe's most confounding mysteries - but astronomers may have just figured out the incredible environment where one of the most famous and well-studied FRBs is coming from.

The repeating radio signals from FRB 121102 are likely produced somewhere extreme, like the area around a massive black hole.

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