There are more cigarette butts in the world's oceans than any other type of garbage - Creak News

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There are more cigarette butts in the world's oceans than any other type of garbage

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  • Cigarette butts are among the most abundant types of human-produced garbage in the world's oceans. 
  • Most of the roughly 5.5 trillion cigarettes manufactured globally every year contain a plastic-based filter. Those filters can take decades to decompose after the cigarette butt has been discarded.
  • The conversation around the waste that accumulates in the ocean has gained new momentum as major companies and metropolitan areas seek new ways to address non-biodegradable garbage.

Cigarette butts are among the most abundant types of human-produced garbage in the world's oceans. 

Most of the roughly 5.5 trillion cigarettes manufactured globally every year contain a plastic-based filter, made of cellulose acetate, according to the Cigarette Butt Pollution Project.

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