Omarosa reportedly taped 'nearly every conversation' while working at the White House using her personal cell phone - Creak News

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Omarosa reportedly taped 'nearly every conversation' while working at the White House using her personal cell phone

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Omarosa Manigault-NewmanDrew Angerer/Getty Images

  • Omarosa Manigault-Newman, the former communications director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, "nearly every conversation she had while working at the White House," according to an Axios report.
  • A source told Axios that she carried two devices — a personal phone and a government-issued phone — and often had her personal phone recording before meetings or calls. 
  • The source added that she was trying to "cover her own butt."
  • Earlier this month, Manigault-Newman said she has a "treasure trove" of videos, emails, and text messages to back up claims she has made in her newly-released tell-all book "Unhinged," which documents her time in the West Wing.

Omarosa Manigault-Newman, the former communications director of the White House Office of Public Liaison and "Apprentice" contestant, taped "nearly every conversation she had while working at the White House," Axios reported Monday. 

A source with who watched Manigault-Newman make her tapes told Axios that she used her personal phone to note her conversations with staffers, including ones with "all of the Trumps." The source said Manigault-Newman carried two phones, one government issued and her personal cell, and nearly always had her personal phone on "record mode." 

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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from Business Insider

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