Ladies, Would You Do It? Mara Brock Akil Reveals That She Popped The Question To Her Husband - Creak News

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Ladies, Would You Do It? Mara Brock Akil Reveals That She Popped The Question To Her Husband

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Mara Brock Akil Says She Proposed To Her Husband Of 20 Years

Society tricks women into thinking that the only way to get married is to wait for the guy to propose. But sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands, ladies.

That’s what Mara Brock Akil did, and she’s been married to her husband and creative partner Salim Akil for 20 years. The Girlfriends and Love Is creator revealed in a recent interview:

“[My show “Love Is”] is 90% truthful and 70% factual…the essence is true and the facts are manipulated. Because, at the end of the day, we have to tell a story. And as unique and wonderful as our story is, it could get boring if you go literal. I can’t wait to get to the episode where I propose to him, because I did.”

Mara also revealed that her hubby was super hesitant to work on their new show “Love Is”:

“He’s a very private person. I still don’t think he’s OK with it, but he’s supportive of me, and that’s what matters.

Fellas, how would you feel if your lady got down on one knee and asked you to marry her?

from Bossip

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