How startups are facilitating the digital transformations of delivery and automotive companies - Creak News

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How startups are facilitating the digital transformations of delivery and automotive companies

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StartupstoWatch_TandLBusiness Insider Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here. Current subscribers can read the report here.

The transportation and logistics industries are on the cusp of a massive transformation. After doing business largely the same way for decades, leaps in areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are enabling companies to cut costs and open up new streams of revenue.

Startups are at the center of this transformation, as they are pushing incumbents in both industries to innovate and to ensure their core businesses don't erode. These startups have zeroed in on areas of need within their industry and are aggressively iterating and developing new technologies to meet those needs. Monitoring these startups' development thus offers unique insight into the development of the transportation and logistics industries at large, and how incumbents are adjusting to their new environment.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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