Wikipedia blacked out across Europe in protest against laws that could change the internet forever - Creak News

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Wikipedia blacked out across Europe in protest against laws that could change the internet forever

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wikipedia founder jimmy walesStephane Mahe/Reuters

  • Wikipedia's Spanish, Italian, and Polish language versions blacked out in protest against new EU copyright reforms being voted upon on Thursday.
  • The new laws could force websites like Reddit to filter user content for copyright breaches and impose a "link tax" on companies including Google for linking to publishers.
  • Wikipedia Jimmy Wales urged people to oppose the reforms. He believes they will benefit tech giants like Facebook and Google that can afford to implement the filtering software.

Wikipedia temporarily shut down in Spain, Italy and Poland in protest against new EU copyright reforms due to be voted upon on Thursday, designed to enforce copyright law online more stringently.

The European Parliament’s legal affairs committee backed the changes last month, including article 13 which would force websites like Reddit to build "content recognition technologies" to scan for copyrighted images, videos, and posts.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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