The 'world's biggest legal-pot dealer' talks about taking his company public and the future of weed (CGC) - Creak News

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The 'world's biggest legal-pot dealer' talks about taking his company public and the future of weed (CGC)

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Bruce Linton Canopy Growth CEO MarijuanaYouTube/Canopy Growth Corp.

  • Canopy Growth became the first marijuana stock to trade on the New York Stock Exchange, quickly racking up a market value of nearly $6 billion.
  • Business Insider spoke with its CEO, Bruce Linton, about what's changed since he entered the industry nearly a decade ago.
  • He said the opioid crisis has people looking more skeptically at pharmaceutical companies.
  • His company recently garnered a huge investment from a major alcohol maker — something he says has competitors racing to catch up.
  • Canopy Growth doesn't yet operate in the US because of legal issues — and Linton doesn't see that changing anytime soon.
  • Watch Canopy Growth trade in real time here.

Bruce Linton says he's the "world's biggest legal-weed dealer."

Drop one very important word — "legal" — from the chief executive's title and that meaning changes drastically.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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See Also:

SEE ALSO: Millennial investors are flocking to the first marijuana company to hit the New York Stock Exchange

from Business Insider

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