Someone finally made a simple way to edit your tweets, inspired by President Trump's famous 'covfefe' typo (TWTR) - Creak News

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Someone finally made a simple way to edit your tweets, inspired by President Trump's famous 'covfefe' typo (TWTR)

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Edit tweets, chrome extension, CovfefeCorey Gwin

For years, Twitter users have been begging Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to create a feature that would allow them to edit their tweets after publishing, and thus saving themselves from the embarrassment of a rogue typo, auto-correct mishap, or any other blunder that would ensue as a result of inadequate proofreading.

Kim Kardashian is one of the most prominent advocates of the much-desired "edit button," and even confronted the social media CEO about it at a party once:

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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