Trump says he is 'beyond seriously' considering 2024 presidential run, but can't discuss it for legal reasons - Creak News

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Trump says he is 'beyond seriously' considering 2024 presidential run, but can't discuss it for legal reasons

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Former President Donald Trump
  • Former President Donald Trump said he is 'very seriously' considering a 2024 presidential run
  • But he said he can't talk about it for legal reasons.
  • 'I am looking at it very seriously. Beyond seriously,' Trump said.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

Former President Donald Trump said he was "very seriously" considering a presidential run in 2024 but claimed he was unable to talk about it for legal reasons.

"I say this: I am looking at it very seriously, beyond seriously. From a legal standpoint I don't want to talk about it yet," Trump told Fox News Monday when asked about a potential 2024 run.

Trump remains highly influential within the Republican party and would likely win the support of multiple senior GOP lawmakers if he did seek the Republican nomination for 2024.

He has repeatedly suggested that he could run again in 2024, telling the audience at the right wing Conservative Political Action Conference in February that "I may even decide to beat them for a third time," a nod to his false claim that he won re-election to the White House last year.

"I stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we began together four years ago is far from over," he told the audience.

Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell and Nikki Haley, a leading Republican frequently tipped for her own 2024 run, are among those who have said they would support Trump if he secured the 2024 GOP nomination again.

McConnell said in February that he would "absolutely" support Trump again if he won the GOP nomination in 2024, despite having condemned the former president as being "practically and morally responsible" for the Capitol insurrection in January.

Trump would likely face a challenge for the nomination from other GOP lawmakers whose influence and popularity are growing if he did seek a race. Those include Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose opposition to lockdown measures across his state has made him popular with conservative donors.

Nikki Haley, the former UN ambassador, said she would not run in 2024 if Trump decided to.

Trump's niece Mary told Insider last month that her uncle would only pretend to run for president in order to make more money out of his supporters.

"It's important to remember that Donald couldn't care less about politics, he couldn't care less about this country, he couldn't care less about the Republicans," Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist who last year published a tell-all book on her family, told Insider.

"It's all about maintaining the grip on power. He thinks on some level it's going to allow him to continue to operate with impunity as he has done his whole life, and also it's going to allow him to keep grifting money off of people," she said.

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