VW, Mercedes & Co. wave goodbye to their hydrogen dreams - this goes against the H2 drive system - Creak News

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VW, Mercedes & Co. wave goodbye to their hydrogen dreams - this goes against the H2 drive system

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  • While Toyota and Hyundai are still working flat out on hydrogen technology, the majority of European groups in the passenger car sector no longer believe in the H2 breakthrough.
  • Renault, Mercedes and Co. see great potential for H2 propulsion in the commercial vehicle sector. VW boss Herbert Diess considers the drive to be too cost-intensive, even for long-distance trucks.
  • The basic conditions for H2 propulsion are currently far from ideal. In addition to the poorly developed infrastructure, there are high production costs and the currently still poor CO2 footprint of hydrogen production.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

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Since the 1960s, the auto industry has been touting hydrogen as one of the most promising candidates to replace gasoline and diesel. Mercedes, BMW, Audi, and VW have also been experimenting with fuel and fuel cell technology for decades. So far, the German manufacturers have only built small-series models with hydrogen drive, such as the Mercedes GLC F-Cell or BMW 7 Series Hydrogen 7. Nothing for the masses.

Japan and South Korea drive technology forward

The competition from Japan and South Korea is much more consistent. Toyota launched the Mirai in 2014, the first fuel-cell car in the world to be produced in large numbers, and the second generation is now rolling off the production line. Hyundai followed suit in 2018 with the Nexo hydrogen SUV. Due to the exotic technology, both models are comparatively expensive and therefore not best sellers.

The currently poorly developed infrastructure does the rest. Only just under 4,500 units of the South Korean Nexo, which costs at least 79,000 euros, were built in 2019. Nevertheless, the two groups are pushing ahead with development in this area at full speed, which is also due to the strong political will in the two Asian countries.

VW focuses on battery-powered electric cars

As the Financial Times reports, most European car companies have now largely buried their hydrogen plans. Instead, they want to focus consistently on battery-electric-powered vehicles in the passenger car sector. Herbert Diess, CEO of the VW Group, believes the idea of a large market for fuel cell cars is too optimistic. "You will not see widespread use of hydrogen in cars. Not even in 10 years, because the physics behind it is just so unreasonable," Diess told the Financial Times."

At least at its core brand, the VW Group's strategy for the future is built entirely around BEVs (battery electric vehicles). Premium subsidiary Audi already gave the first glimpse of a potential fuel cell SUV almost five years ago with its H-Tron study. However, in view of the current doubts of the Group's CEO and the consistent electric strategy of the world's largest car company, it is doubtful whether Audi will ever launch a volume model with hydrogen drive.

Diess thinks little of the technology

Diess himself worked on hydrogen-powered vehicle concepts during his time as a BMW engineer, but unlike most of his competitors, he doubts the usefulness of the drive concept even in the truck sector. VW subsidiaries MAN and Scania are still working on hydrogen trucks for long-distance travel, but their focus is also clearly on e-vehicles that draw their power from large batteries and are expected to cover between 200 and 300 kilometers on a single charge. On the subject, Diess told the Financial Times, "With trucks, it's all about cost-efficiency. And hydrogen is so expensive that the cost per kilometer would triple compared to a battery-electric truck."

Stellantis, a rival created by the merger of PSA and Fiat-Chrysler, is a bit more optimistic in the transportation sector. The group wants to put small hydrogen-powered vans on the road in the coming years. But it doesn't see much potential in the automotive sector either. "The bulk of the people who were pushing for the hydrogen car are now behind on e-cars," CEO Carlos Tavares told the Financial Times.

Renault plans hydrogen van

Renault also sees the ideal use for hydrogen power in freight transport. Philippe Prevel is responsible for alternative fuels at the traditional French company. In his opinion, the drive makes sense above all for vehicles that have a central hub to which they return after the end of their shift, such as buses, cabs, or delivery vans. The French already have the latter on offer with the Kangoo and Master Z.E. Hydrogen. However, the share of hydrogen variants in total sales has been extremely low so far.

In the long term, Prevel is aiming for a market share of 30 percent in the H2 van segment. At present, however, it is not yet possible to foresee how much growth potential there really is in this hitherto almost non-existent market. Still, for this year, Renault is planning two new hydrogen delivery vans resulting from a cooperation with the American fuel cell specialist Plug Power. In addition, the Frenchman is convinced that the hydrogen-powered fuel cell will play a role primarily on routes over 300 kilometers. Purely electrically driven trucks would need heavy and space-consuming batteries for such distances. In the passenger car sector, Renault, like the majority of its European competitors, is focusing primarily on BEVs and hybrid drives by 2030.

Mercedes and BMW hold back

Mercedes had ambitious hydrogen plans for years. But the Stuttgart-based company is now also focusing primarily on the development of battery-electric cars and the expansion of its EQ model family. After the brand with the star had been producing fuel cell versions of the A- and B-Class since the nineties, the Mercedes GLC F-Cell was introduced at the end of 2018. The hydrogen SUV was only offered on lease and already discontinued in April 2020 after around 3,000 units. The Swabians have not completely abandoned their hydrogen program, however. In the truck sector, they recently entered into a cooperation with Volvo.

The situation is similar at the arch-rival from Munich. BMW is planning a locally emission-free version of the X5 for 2022, which will share much of the technology with Toyota's Mirai technology carrier. But even with the fuel cell X5, the manufacturer expects only low unit numbers. In keeping with the spirit of the times, the Bavarians are also focusing on developing their battery-powered models, such as the i4 or iX.

Few filling stations and high prices

There are many reasons for the skepticism of the car companies. First and foremost, many customers are currently put off by the poor international infrastructure. Despite government subsidies since 2007, there are currently only 91 filling stations in Germany, according to the provider H2.LIVE, while around five are in the final construction phase. By comparison, gasoline could be tapped at a total of 14,400 locations last year.

Things don't look any better in other countries. On the contrary, Germany leads the European ranking by a wide margin. In total, there are only 180 in the whole of Europe. No wonder, since the construction of a new H2 filling station costs around one million euros. In addition, hydrogen for cars is only produced in small quantities due to low demand, so the fuel is comparatively expensive. One kilo currently costs a hefty 9.50 euros. The Hyundai Nexo, for example, can travel a little over 100 kilometers on this fuel.

More complex technology than for BEVs

In addition, hydrogen models are significantly more expensive to buy than comparable gasoline-powered or electric cars. While the latter have a generously dimensioned and cost-intensive lithium-ion battery, their technical design is much simpler. In hydrogen cars, the thick-walled high-pressure tanks are joined by the fuel cell, in which heat is generated by the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen. The latter is converted into electricity, then amplified by an up-converter, and only then delivered to the electric motors. In addition, there is an additional buffer battery.

All these components currently result in high production and development costs. To reduce these costs significantly, car manufacturers would have to sell hundreds of thousands of fuel cell vehicles every year. Given current sales figures, this is a utopian goal. At around 65 percent, the fuel cell's efficiency is twice as high as that of an internal combustion engine. However, if you take into account the production, transport, and conversion of hydrogen into electricity, you end up with an efficiency of 29 to 32 percent. Battery-electric vehicles are currently more efficient than hydrogen cars.

Maximilian Fichtner, professor of solid-state chemistry at the University of Ulm, expressed concerns in an interview with "Wirtschaftswoche" as early as November 2019. At the time, total traffic in this country had an annual energy demand of around 770 terawatt-hours, Fichtner said. If all vehicles were to be equipped with a hydrogen drive, the demand would likely rise to more than 1,000 units. Switching to an all-electric drive, on the other hand, could actually reduce it to around 200 terawatt-hours.

Green hydrogen is a dream of the future

The only exhaust gas produced by fuel cell cars is actually harmless water vapor. However, the production of H2 is still anything but climate-neutral in most cases. In theory, it is already possible to produce green hydrogen. In this case, the electrolysis of water is carried out exclusively with electricity that comes entirely from renewable and climate-neutral energy sources. However, this method is currently still very cost-intensive and is therefore only used on a small scale. Although the big breakthrough has long been predicted here, it has not yet materialized.

The norm today, on the other hand, is gray hydrogen. The energy for this comes largely from fossil fuels. In most cases, natural gas is converted into hydrogen and C02 at high temperatures. The latter is released into the ambient air, thus increasing the greenhouse effect. Blue hydrogen represents an intermediate stage. Here, production is carried out in the same way, but the greenhouse gases are captured and then stored. However, there is also a need to catch up with this approach.

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