Conversely to the Swedes, Poles are wasting a free energy resource. "This energy is cheaper than nuclear" - Creak News

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Conversely to the Swedes, Poles are wasting a free energy resource. "This energy is cheaper than nuclear"

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  • The Swedish system uses waste to the maximum. They are used to produce cheap energy, the residue after burning is used to make roads and the residue from biogas recovery is used as fertilizers.
  • The bio fraction in Sweden also includes meat waste. It is a valuable raw material and its fermentation produces gas.
  • One bag of biowaste produces enough gas to power a public transport bus for 3 km.

This is an automated machine translation of an article published by Business Insider in a different language. Machine translations can generate errors or inaccuracies; we will continue the work to improve these translations. You can find the original version here.

"You don't have to pay as much for waste disposal as we do after recent increases. Garbage can be used very effectively. The system does not have to be invented from scratch, because good solutions in the world already work. Swedes have combined the waste management system with energy production so that they have practically no environmental or energy price problems anymore. It is cheap and clean. At the same time, waste is the cheapest source of energy," points out Józef Neterowicz, President of Radscan Intervex, who has lived in Sweden for years.

"Poland is a rich country since it turns bio-waste into cheap compost at the expense of energy," Józef Neterowicz, an expert from the Association of Polish Counties and the president of Radscan Intervex, who has lived in Sweden for over 40 years, begins his conversation with Business Insider. As he says he was "one of the cogs in the construction of the Swedish system". He knows everything about it.

How is the Swedish system of waste utilization different from the Polish one? There it is used to the maximum. Firstly, to produce energy both from incineration and from biogas plants. Secondly, the slag from the waste incinerators is used to build roads, replacing aggregate. Third, after the methane is recovered in the biogas plants, the "degassed" bio fraction is turned into certified fertilizer.

Someone may say "the rich Swedes, who can forbid them? Surely it all costs money". Building such a multi-level system costs money, of course, but now there is a lot of money from the EU. Poland has to subsidize 15% of the investment. And the Swedes "with their own money" built themselves a system using the cheapest available raw material. Cheaper than coal and nuclear. Meanwhile, we are currently engaging the largest amount of funds in one of the most expensive offshore wind energy systems," Neterowicz says.

How much does such a thing cost? "About PLN 4 million of investment outlays for 1 thousand tons of waste per year," the expert says.

There would be no problem with finding a contractor. "In Sweden, incineration plants are built by Polish companies: Rafako, Sefako - as both equipment suppliers and contractors," says Neterowicz.

Heat from waste

"The efficiency of the energy and waste system is - one could say - the Swedes' 'hobby'. They have specialized in it so much that only 1 percent of waste currently ends up in landfills there," you can read in Neterowicz's book "Energy from waste - the Swedish experience and the Polish reality".

Swedes started in 1975 when 62 percent of waste was thrown away on "waste mountains". But rapid changes occurred only in this century. In 2001 the landfills still accepted half of the waste but in 2012 only 1 percent. All this is due to the precise design of the system.

The result? Statistics collected from network energy suppliers in Sweden show that in 2018 as much as 45 percent of the heat generated by them came from heat produced from waste, according to Krzysztof Karolczyk of Fortum.

As we wrote recently, the waste in our dumpsters has energy properties comparable to... hard coal. The calorific value of coal, given in MJ/kg (megajoules per kilogram) varies from about 10 MJ/kg for lignite, through 17-19 MJ/kg for low-calorific hard coal, 20-25 MJ/kg for medium-calorific coal, up to 25-30 MJ/kg for high-calorific hard coal. And the material processed from waste, the so-called RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), consisting of flakes of foil, wood, greasy paper and plastics cut into pieces with dimensions ranging from 3 to about 8 cm, has an energy value of 10-22 MJ/kg.

Józef Neterowicz points out that even converting to RDF is not necessary. In Sweden, this has been solved in a different way.

3 kilometers from one bag of waste

The scheme of the system closely links waste segregation with the production of heat and electricity. The final element is the management of residuals after incineration and digestion of bio-waste.

Everything starts with waste segregation. How does it differ from current rules in Poland? First of all, more waste goes to the bio section than in Poland. In Poland, bones and leftovers of meat or raw meat are put in mixed waste, just like paper towels and napkins. In Sweden, are put in bio waste. Why?

Because it is possible to produce energy from this waste, just as from other waste treated as bio in our country, like peelings from fruits and vegetables, bread, coffee and tea grounds or withered flowers. And quite a lot of energy.

In Sweden, the bio section is put into special 20 by 35 cm paper bags received from the municipality. They are filled up to the line drawn on the bag, then the bag has to be closed, and only then it can be thrown into the container with bio fraction. Closing the bag is important as the methane produced during the rotting process is not lost during transport. Such bags after being collected from the container go to the biogas plant. It is located far enough away from human settlements, but still isolated enough to lose as little gas as possible.

In the biogas plant, the bags of biowaste are placed in a specially insulated room (bunker) where they will lie for another 20 days. During this time, the process of rotting and fermentation produces methane, a very energy-efficient gas, which can be used to produce energy. 20 days allows you to recover as much of it as your biowaste can produce. This gas is no different from the natural gas we buy in Russia, for example. It's called SNG (substitute natural gas) - equivalent to natural gas but obtained in biogas plants from the process of rotting food.

As the expert tells us, one bag produces enough gas to power a city bus, which can travel as far as 3 km with this fuel. This calculation is also used on billboards encouraging Swedes to sort their garbage well. If they didn't sort properly, the prices of waste and energy would rise.

Free energy source

The fact that meat waste is put into the bio fraction also changes the characteristics of mixed waste. This is where most of the waste that can be efficiently incinerated ends up, and which practically doesn't smell. As a result, there is no problem installing incinerators even in the middle of cities.

Any stench is eliminated. One similar plant in Stockholm even installed a café on the roof of the incinerator to prove that there is no bad smell. And the location of the incinerator in the city shortens the path of garbage trucks and reduces the cost of garbage collection.

Importantly, such garbage has a high energy value. Józef Neterowicz compared all costs and revenues of boilers for mixed waste, including bio fraction and without this faction, and coal in this comparison has no chance.

Even without the cost of CO2 emission rights, one ton of coal yields 281.60 PLN of income at a standard boiler efficiency of 85%. 377,40 PLN is the income for electricity, 404,20 PLN is the sale of heat. 500 PLN is the cost of buying one ton of coal.

After deducting the cost of CO2 emissions of 270 PLN per ton of coal, the result is only 11.60 PLN of income from energy production from coal. Neterowicz calculated it with lower prices of emission rights - now the cost of emission of a ton of CO2 is 38 euro per ton, which when burning a ton of coal means the cost of 372 PLN for emission rights (from one ton of coal 2.14 tonnes of CO2 is produced), so the cost would be 100 PLN more than calculated. And a coal-fired boiler becomes unprofitable.

And here we come to energy from waste. As we mentioned above, waste is a better raw material for energy than brown coal, and worse than hard coal. But unlike lignite or hard coal, you don't have to pay for it.

Even if the bio fraction is not separated from mixed waste, the incinerator can generate 740 PLN of income from one ton of waste. The income from electricity generated by a boiler with 85% efficiency amounts to 175 PLN, and from heat - 265 PLN. And here we come to the most important profit-making factor - waste costs nothing, and communes even pay extra to have it taken away from them and burned.

Some local authorities even pay over PLN 200 per tonne to have energy waste (energy fraction) collected and burnt. It is estimated that in Poland, we currently have a surplus of about 3 million tons of combustible waste per year, and storing waste with a calorific value of over 6 MJ/kg is prohibited.

Neterowicz quoted a figure of 300 PLN. However, even at 200 PLN, the income is 640 PLN from burning a ton of waste. And if the energy waste was only free, and not its collection gave income to the incinerator, the profit is still 440 PLN. That is, many times more than a coal boiler.

If we separate the bio fraction from the mass of mixed waste, then the income from one tonne of waste rises by PLN 22 to PLN 762, including PLN 574 from 700 kg of incinerated waste without the bio fraction and PLN 188 from 300 kg of bio fraction, i.e. from biogas plants.

According to Neterowicz, the time of return on investment in the incineration plant, with its current parameters, is about 6 to 8 years.

Combustion produces waste, i.e. slag. However, Swedes use it to build asphalt roads. According to Józef Neterowicz, this material is better than aggregate.

The incineration plants are built in such a way that nothing bad gets into the atmosphere. As Józef Neterowicz describes, at first the Swedes had a problem with how to eliminate the dioxins that escape from burning plastics. But they invented activated carbon technology, which binds them, and the problem disappeared.

From bio to fertilizer

The incineration produces slag, and the biogas plant produces natural fertilizers after using the bio material. Once the waste has given up all the gas, then the next stage begins. Conversion into fertilizers. The residue is separated into solid and liquid parts - the first will be used as phosphate fertilizer and the second - nitrogen fertilizer.

In Sweden, there are 14 biogas plants and three composting plants. And to convince farmers to use such fertilizers, a certification system was created. The key to certification was to certify the source of the waste.

It can't be sewage. It has to be a "clean and segregated organic waste, coming only from households, restaurants, parks, gardens, green spaces, greenhouses and garden centers," Neterowicz writes in his book. Fertilizer is even transported from biogas plants via pipelines directly to nearby fields, such as at Jordberg's biogas plant near Trelleborg.

Sludge from bio-waste already after methane recovery must not contain more than two live weed seeds per liter and must contain at least 20 percent organic matter on a dry weight basis. Maximum contents of heavy metals, pathogens, and visible contaminants (plastic, glass, metals) are specified. Certification lasts one year and then is issued to the plant for five years and then only renewed.

Vending machines for beverage packaging

Finally, it should be mentioned that in Sweden - similarly as in Poland - plastics and aluminum do not go to mixed waste. But in Sweden PET and cans are put into vending machines in thousands of places, usually in stores.

In the store, you pay for the packaging and then when you return it you get a receipt, which is deducted from the purchase of other products with packaging. You can tell whether the packaging is from Sweden or not by the bar code.

The heat from the servers

Just how determined the Swedes are not to waste a single bit of the heat they produce can be seen in their plans to use the heat emitted by servers. "Stockholm, in partnership with Invest Stockholm, Stockholm Exergi and Ellevio and Stokab, has invested in attracting IT investors by creating the environmentally friendly Stockholm Data Park. The heat generated by the server rooms of the companies based there is transferred to the city's district heating network," describes Krzysztof Karolczyk of Fortum, an international energy company which supplies, among other things, heat and electricity.

"Companies are attracted to the park by the offer of cheap electricity from sustainable sources and a waste heat recovery system financed by the city. The long-term goal of the project is to meet 10 percent of Stockholm's demand this way. This in turn will help the city to become fossil fuel-free by 2040," he adds.

"But do such expensive solutions make sense? The answer seems obvious - there is no escaping them if we want to migrate effectively towards a Closed Circuit Economy. The key issue is to make use of available resources, using any waste that is suitable for this purpose. Heat is rarely thought of as waste - more often as a loss. And this is a big mistake because by using waste, including energy waste, we can reduce losses - sometimes even to zero,' argues Krzysztof Karolczyk.

Energy from condensing moisture

And this is not the end of the ideas. One of them is implemented by Józef Neterowicz's company - Radscan Intervex.

"My company has recovered as much energy as is produced by two nuclear reactors. Fortum already has such installations in Stockholm and all biomass installations in Sweden have it too," he points out. What are we talking about?

"If we burn other (fossil) fuels than fossil dry coal, we have a lot of moisture in the exhaust gases. The moisture is in the form of white vapor, but this vapor means that there is a potential for latent energy in the cloud, i.e. the energy of changing the state of aggregation when we change the vapor into water. Normally in power systems, this was counted as stack loss," describes Neterowicz.

"My company recovers this energy by having the return in the heating network cool the flue gas and recover the latent energy. This condensate is a source of soft water - it has the same properties as rainwater, non-mineral water. Fuel with 50 percent humidity has about 50 percent latent energy. Using this energy, we increase the efficiency of the boiler by 25 percent," he says.

According to Neterowicz, so far when burning hard coal, the difference between the heat of combustion and the calorific value was small, about 10 percent. But due to the fact that incineration plants are being built and wet fuel is being used, the benefits are much greater.

"With wet fuel, half of it is water. Our technology results in between a 25-30 percent increase in boiler efficiency. In this way, from e.g. 80 MW we make 105 MW of power. There is the first such installation in Białystok," he informs.

How much does it cost? 1 MW of increased power means PLN 1.5-2 million.

"EC Enea Białystok paid in total PLN 30 million. EC Rzeszów has also installed it," enumerates the expert.

He points to the benefits of the sewage treatment plant. However, there is a problem with sludge, which usually has 80 percent water. First, they have to be removed and dried, and only then they are burned.

"You need as much energy for drying as you get from burning. You come out almost at zero," describes Neterowicz. On the other hand, it can be burned with waste and using flue gas liquefaction technology, the water from the wet waste even has a positive effect on boiler efficiency.

Expensive offshore windmills

Meanwhile, Poland invests in relatively expensive energy from offshore windmills. The expert points out that not only is the production of energy from them expensive, but also the electricity produced in the Baltic will have to be transmitted somehow, and we have the main transmission networks in Silesia.

"Transmission of energy from offshore wind turbines is an additional cost. For example, Germans transmit from the north to Bavaria via Poland," describes Neterowicz.

"In Poland, windmills have already received permissions for 5 thousand MWh from wind, and transmission capacity is 1.5 thousand MWh," he says. "First, we need to increase the possibility of transmitting electricity from the sea into the interior of Poland, and it is not that simple."

He also points out that biogas plants built in Poland, although needed, are mostly based on recovering methane from liquid manure of cows or pigs. In such manure, the average amount of methane is 14-18 cubic meters per ton, while in vegetable and fruit waste it is as much as 95 cubic meters.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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