The symbiosis between fashion and geolocation is already a reality: Zalando and Google Maps join forces to create a virtual campaign in different parts of Spain. - Creak News

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The symbiosis between fashion and geolocation is already a reality: Zalando and Google Maps join forces to create a virtual campaign in different parts of Spain.

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At a time when new fashion collections should be announcing the arrival of spring, but when the pandemic and confinements seem to have devastated every corner, including fashion, brands have understood that they need to reinvent themselves to dislodge apathy among buyers. In other words: to sell their new collections in a context with hardly any leisure, social gatherings, and with the teleworking model becoming more and more established.

Multi-brand channel Zalando is immersed in this metamorphosis of fashion. It has just joined forces with Google Maps to present its latest fashion collection, using Google Street View technology. The company thus seeks to overcome some of the pitfalls that the pandemic has meant for the company.

"Taking into account the current pandemic, we wanted to make use of technology by moving the campaign to a virtual environment, hand in hand with Google Street View and Google Maps, reaching our consumers in a totally innovative and creative way," explains Riccardo Vola, Zalando's general manager for Southern Europe.

Zalando's goal with this campaign is to consolidate what has already become one of the most important movements in fashion today: streetwear, which in a few words can be defined as the result of creating unpretentious fashion. That is: to put comfort and the trends that are seen in the streets every day without abandoning the most exclusive brands.

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Street It All is the name with which this campaign has been baptized, which outside of how simple it may seem, a priori, has not been more so than others. Zalando has relied on a team made up of illustrators such as Be Fernández, fashion photographers such as Rocío Aguirre and Juanma Jmse, and even activist Marina Gomes, also known as Afrofeministe.

Also, they have counted with known faces such as musicians Alba Reche, Paula Cendejas, DJ Alvva, or fashion influencers with a legion of followers on social networks, as is the case of Marc Forné or Alba Miró.

From Malasaña to Soho Malagueño: the references of urban culture for Zalando

"With Street It All we wanted to vindicate the importance of streetwear today," explains the Zalando executive, who has used reference locations for urban culture in different parts of Spain to carry out the photoshoot.

Specifically, the photos were taken in emblematic areas of major Spanish cities such as the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña or Matadero; the former Fabra i Coats textile factory in Barcelona, the Valencian Barrio del Carmen, or the cosmopolitan Soho Malagueño.

The campaign is complemented by OOHs - known as out-of-home advertising - in the 4 cities, and through a QR code, users can visit the different locations in Street View on their cell phones.

Fashion and geolocation: the novel symbiosis that is here to stay

"More than 15 years ago we decided to map the world and since then, Google Maps has evolved from a simple navigation tool that takes you from point A to B to a product that helps you to find your way around but also to discover and enjoy the world," explains Google's marketing director for Spain and Portugal.

The executive considers Zalando's campaign to be a "great and creative" example of innovative philosophy, which also fits perfectly with Google's vision, which has been making great strides in the geolocation sector since 2005.

In fact, the case of fashion is not the only one in which the Google tool is useful, already in 2011, the company introduced in Google News the option "news near you", which used the location to display information to users of the place where they were at that moment.

Then came other integrations such as Uber, electric vehicle charging stations, music playback with Spotify, radars, traffic incidents or the Google Assistant, as reported by the blog Xataka Android which adds that Google Maps is no longer a map application, but the place to go to get to everything you are looking for.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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