Parents in Portugal can quit their jobs to take care of their children and still get paid - Creak News

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Parents in Portugal can quit their jobs to take care of their children and still get paid

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Portuguese authorities will help parents who work remotely from home while caring for their children during forced social isolation. They will be able to give up teleworking to raise their children without fear of losing part of their salary.

According to Ana Mendes Godinho, in charge of the Ministry of Labor, parents who are helping their children in grades 1-4 of elementary school remotely due to the closure of schools in Portugal can give up their work tasks in the remote working regime.

- These individuals will be able to devote themselves solely to helping their children receive their education without fear of losing part of their salary, the minister assured.

In April, the fourth type of vaccine for COVID-19

On Wednesday, the government of Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced that, despite a marked drop in the number of infections and hospitalizations following coronavirus infection, it has no plans to lift anti-epidemic restrictions, including opening the country's borders and restoring schooling in educational institutions, among other measures.

Data from Portugal's health ministry show that 345 recovered patients left the country's hospitals during the past 24 hours, one of the highest daily rates in a year. There are still 4,100 infected, down 40 percent from the beginning of February.

Portugal's medical services have also confirmed that the first deliveries of the vaccine from Janssen can be expected from April. This will be the fourth vaccine against COVID-19 in the country.

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