In Poland, twice as many women are getting vaccinated compared to men - Creak News

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In Poland, twice as many women are getting vaccinated compared to men

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This is an automated machine translation of an article published by Business Insider in a different language. Machine translations can generate errors or inaccuracies; we will continue the work to improve these translations. You can find the original version here.

Women received almost 1.5 million doses of vaccines and men less than 700 thousand. For every two doses for women, men receive only one, according to "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna".

As we read, in the data of the Ministry of Health one can notice a big disproportion by sex. By 10.30 a.m. Monday, women had received 1.46 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, and men 0.66 million. "So in simple terms, we can say that for every two doses for women, men receive only one. So far, 1.5 million Poles have received their first injection," - we read.

According to the daily, there are at least several reasons for these differences. "The first is that in Poland women live longer than men, and one of the priority groups for vaccination are precisely the oldest people. We have more than 2.8 million senior women aged 70 plus and only 1.6 million seniors over 70," the daily pointed out.

It is mostly women who are vaccinated

The newspaper cited the vaccination of health care workers as the second reason. The daily stressed that "white-collar workers are a highly feminized professional group". "While, for example, among almost 100 thousand doctors, 95 percent of whom have been vaccinated, the difference in proportions between the sexes is not large (52 thousand women and 39 thousand men), among nurses women definitely prevail. In total, there are over 216 thousand nurses in Poland and over 90 percent of them are women. - reports "DGP".

"Finally, the third factor that may account for such a large difference is that, according to statistics, men in Poland go to the doctor less often," - we read. According to the newspaper, "this attitude may also affect the willingness to be immunized against coronavirus."

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